
So uh, I got a job?

Hello everyone! 💜

As all of you are probably already aware, life updates aren’t exactly my cup of blogging tea. I mean, I’ll read the life updates of every blog I follow and all that, and if there’s anything in real life that deters me from blogging regularly, I’d make an announcement via text widget. Writing a proper life update post, though? Not really, because my life is honestly boring 80% of the time and who wants to read that I’ve managed to stub my toe for the nth time anyway?

However, as evidenced by the presence of this post, I’ve found it necessary to actually write a life update post since this isn’t the kind of announcement I can just tack on a side bar with a text widget for a certain amount of time, and it’s not a momentary kind of thing too. Sooooo, as my title has already spoiled the news: I got a job!

bugi dance

As excited and happy I am about that, this job also requires me to work six days a week and that may or may not interfere with my reading, reviewing and general blogging schedule. I’ve no idea how affected I’ll be (my Goodreads Reading Challenge adkfhdskfhdsk, I need to finish you ASAP 😭😭😭) since this is kind of going from 0 to 34823428 (university classes only took a few days a week, not six out of seven like this job will) for me. Nevertheless, I’ll do my best to post at least once a week, and I’ll definitely be lurking around my Reader so I’ll be up to date!

….Hopefully. Urk.


Anyway, that’s it. That’s the post.

(I know, I’ve no idea how to make a ‘life update’ post entertaining…-ish 😂)

As always, thank you so much for reading! ❤

Until next time everyone~



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